In order to have a more personalized blog I have moved Creative Preschool Resources to a self-hosted blogsite.  Please visit the link: Creative Preschool Resources TODAY and subscribe to follow my new blog!  {Really the same blog, but at a new address}  🙂

As of today NO NEW content will be posted at this blog.


Fave Font Friday

Happy Friday!  This is the end of our wonderful Spring Break full of lacrosse games, swimming and skiing.  We also threw in some work and some relaxing for good measure.  🙂

I have to say that I am particularly FOND of these new fonts I found. I can’t wait to use them in my digital scrapping!  Yes, one of these days I’ll share some of my digital scrapping fun with you…

Download Metro City, Both Dingleberrys, Handrelief

I have to say that typing Dingleberry makes me giggle. In my house it has a distinct meaning {I’m sure you can guess}, plus that’s what we call our ladder toss {game} balls.   silliness….

Have a fantastic weekend!

{BLOOM} Spring Wreath

Howdy all!  Well, I just couldn’t bring myself to make an Easter wreath since I could only keep it up for a couple of weeks, so I made this lovely Spring wreath!

Don’t you just LOVE the  simplicity and colors?  Okay, honestly, if you’ve been following for long you’ll know I’m a fan of simplicity especially when it comes to wreaths.

First I chose some great scrapbook paper & chipboard letters B-L-O-O-M.

I turned the paper over to the back and the letters as well.  Then I traced each letter on to the paper of my chosen pattern.

I carefully cut the letters out and then mod podged them to the chipboard letters.  You’ll see that the paper letters are slightly larger than the chipboard letters.  That’s perfect!

After the mod podge has dried… using sandpaper sand the edges in a downward motion.

You’ll end up with these lovely distressed looking letters.  Aren’t they fabulous?

Take a foam wreath and paint it the color of your burlap {or close to} just in case there is any peeking through.  Let dry.  Using hot glue and strips of burlap wrap the entire wreath in burlap. Once you are done also use hot glue to attach the letters to the wreath.

I added some fun paper flowers with button centers.  So adorable!  I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this wreath!

Don’t forget to pin away!

Have a great day and Happy Spring!

Easter Trace and Cut Practice Printables

** Please remember that this site has moved to CreativePreschoolResources.com.  New posts will only appear this week and then will no longer appear on this site.  Please follow the link to Creative Preschool Resources to follow at the new blog address.**


Easter is here and I am in LOVE with all of the beautiful Spring colors!  My little ones always need practice tracing left to right and on curved lines.  Slide these adorable printables into a page protector and let your kiddos use white board markers to practice tracing as many times as they please.  Straight Line download

Curved Line download

Aren’t they cute?

Love the colors!

Since cutting pages CAN’T be re-used I made the cutting practice page in black and white so making several copies won’t cost you an arm and a leg.  🙂

Enjoy building those pre-writing skills with your little one and practice cutting, cutting, cutting!

While you are here, why not follow along????

Paper Egg Art

If you are joining me today from Oopsey Daisy, sit down, relax and enjoy!  If you like what you see, I’d LOVE for you to follow along via e-mail or Facebook {top right side of home page}.

I am so excited to share today’s tutorial with you!  It is the cutest stitched Easter egg I’ve ever seen.  🙂

My stitiched paper egg is such a great addition to my Easter mantel.  I love all of the bright pops of color, and sewing paper is SO seriously EASY! 

I started by cutting ovals using my Cricut and 5 different papers.  I then created stripes from the different ovals {free hand}.  I glued all of the stripes of paper onto a background egg paper {my backgroung egg is the sparkly orange paper since it was the thickest} and added some additional circles and flowers also cut by my Cricut from my colored paper.  This is the layered egg pre-stitching.

Once the glue dried I sewed each edge using my sewing machine and a zigzag stitch.

It was amazingly simple to sew.

The back even looks cool!

Don’t you just love all of the colors and I really love seeing the little holes created by the needle in the sewing machine.

This is just adorable!  I LOVE the glitter paper too.

Happy Easter!  Now, who is going to make one for themself?  C’mon, it really is easy!  Looks great with a few extra twine eggs I had left over from by Twine Egg Garland.

I’m moving

In order to have a more personalized blog I am moving to a self-hosted blogsite.  Please visit Creative Preschool Resources TODAY and subscribe to follow my new blog!  {Really the same blog, but at a new address}  🙂

On another note…

I am tickled pink, jumping up and down, and beyond excited to let you know that I’ll be guest posting tomorrow! Can you hear it? That’s my shriek of excitement all the way from Colorado! Check out Oopsey Daisy tomorrow to see my adorable tutorial.

Special thanks to Alison at Oopsey Daisy for allowing me to guest post on her adorable blog!

Adorable Sock Bunny

Oh. My. Good. Ness.  These are the cutest little bunnies I’ve ever seen!  Next week my preschool kiddos will be making one of these at our Easter party and I can’t wait to see our adorable collection of bunnies!

These are so easy, you won’t believe it!

First purchase Men’s tube socks {that way they have no heel} and insert a 2×4 cut to approx 5-8 inches depending on the height you want.  Honestly I won’t measure, I’ll just eyeball the cuts and they’ll be naturally varied.

Tie a cute ribbon at the top.  Loving the polka dots right now.

Cut ear shapes out of the socks.

Hot glue the bottom portion of the ears closed, leaving the top open to add a little stuffing.

Then hot glue the rest of the ears closed.

Use paint to add eyes, nose, pink ears, whiskers and cute rosy cheeks.  We will be using tacky glue to add some buttons too.

They look cute EVERYWHERE!  In front of the fireplace…

On the porch…

In a window.  You just can’t go wrong.

Mine will be joining my Easter mantel.

So, are you going to make some?  Your kids would LOVE it!!!

Happy Crafting!

Fave Font Friday

Happy Friday!  I went to see The Hunger Games  last night this morning at midnight.  I have a feeling this is going to be a long day… {my kids are home for the start of Spring Break}  BUT, it was SOOO GOOD!

Who loves new fonts?  I love new fonts?  Is your hand raised too? 

Download AnabelCrankdeal, Sprout, Bright Future, CM Party

Have a FANTASTIC weekend and happy sleeping!

Stained Glass Egg Art

I love making pretty things with my preschool students for holidays.  This will remind you of my Valentine stained glass hearts we made in February, but it’s EASTER!

Print off the Egg shape on various colors of construction paper.  You can print the Christian Version or the traditional Easter version.

*Please note: All free printables are only for readers of Creative Preschool Resources . If you enjoy this printable, please take a second to “follow” us to receive email updates or follow via Facebook {top sidebar on home page}. Thank you!

Use clear contact paper and strips of tissue paper cut in straight lines, wavy lines, or get creative and use your craft scissors.  When I’m prepping for 24 kiddos I tend to go the simple route.

Have children layer the strips of tissue paper on the clear contact paper.  Once it’s complete, sandwich it between 2 pieces of construction paper and cut out the egg shape.  {I always pre-cut the inside oval out to make it easier.}  If you want a full tutorial with pictures of each step see my Valentine Stained Glass Hearts.

To remind my class of the TRUE reason we celebrate Easter we put a cross onto our clear contact paper PRIOR to adding the strips of tissue paper to end up with the above picture.

Want to know when they truly shine?  When hung in a window.  It brings out all of their stained glass glory!  I purposefully took these pics with no flash to show off the stained glass portion, not the entire project.

Beautiful don’t you think?

Enjoy getting crafty with the little people in your life.  Happy Easter!  HE IS RISEN!  HE IS RISEN INDEED!

While you are here, pin something cute and follow along!

Twine Egg Banner

Happy Easter!  I am in love with my colorful Easter Banner I made this year.  Yes, it’s the dreaded twine (I used embroidery floss) over balloons.  Sounds fun and messy right!  Well, gather your favorite colored twine, { I couldn’t find twine in the right colors, so I used embroidery floss.} water balloons and some glue.

Step 1:  Blow up several water balloons.  {This can be tricky and make your mind a little fuzzy, but I promise if you endure it will be worth it}.  Don’t mind my drop cloth  🙂

Step 2:  Tape down the part of the balloon that you blow in.  Not sure what its real name is. Let’s call it the “neck”.

Step 3: Mix together equal parts white glue and water.  First I dumped the floss into a cup of the glue/water solution. Umm…  don’t do this.  All I got was a huge tangled mess of embroidery floss.  So instead I used a plate of the solution and zig zagged the floss through it so I could wrap a whole bunch at once.  Wrap the balloons in a random pattern with your soaked twine or floss.

Step 4:  Let them dry {I let mine dry for several days until the balloons started shrinking.}  Pop the balloons and then remove using tiny scissors and tweezers.  These are my fabulous eggs with the wrinkled up, popped balloons still inside.  Pretty right?

FINAL STEP:  String them onto any type of twine, ribbon etc. or just put them in a pretty dish for Easter.

Hope this gets you inspired to create something special for your house for Easter too!  Happy Easter!

Linked up at:  Somewhat SimpleThirty Handmade Days

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